Saturday, April 24, 2010

From where does the name of the flower narcissus come?

A youth of Greek mythology called Narcissus, who, in at least one of many variations of the tale, became so obsessed with his own reflection as he kneeled and gazed into a pool of water that he fell into the water and drowned. The legend continues that the Narcissus plant first sprang from where he died.

From where does the name of the flower narcissus come?
A greek myth about a guy named narcissus who was in love with him self. One day he was looking at a pond and saw his reflection and stared at it. This goddess or nymph ( can't remember) liked him and tried to talk to him, but he was too into himself to notice her so she got mad %26amp; turned him into the flower. It's also where the word narcisist (? spelling) came from.
Reply:The Narcissus flower is named after Narcissus. This was after he supposedly turned into a flower when he died, by looking at himself in the water too long. This forced him to stay there, because he was the god of beauty and he could only fall in love with himself; he later died of despair as he could not grasp the 'stranger' in the water


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