Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What is the name of the flower which is coloured in fuscia,mauve or white and has a sweet smell?


What is the name of the flower which is coloured in fuscia,mauve or white and has a sweet smell?
Reply:There are so many types of flowers these days that come in those colors. Can you be a little more specific? Is it on a bush, a stalk, large or small flowers, is it spikey like bottle brush or single like a rose or camillia? Does the plant have large leaves or small ones, are they bright or dark green, purple? Bougainvilla, as someone suggested above, is a bright fuschia color with few leaves and thorns on the branches. You see them mostly in hanging pots. I'd love to try to help if you can give more information.

Is it a fower common in a garden or something you would find in a florist shop for bouquets like freesias or lilys?
Reply:How about sweet peas

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