Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If you could name a flower after someone?

Who would it be? Princess Di already has one by the way!

If you could name a flower after someone?
my mom who loved flowers and had a green thumb,she could make a dead stick grow,she died in March of non Hodgkin's Lymphoma,and the flower would be a African violet
Reply:My Daughter of course!
Reply:the world
Reply:mother teresa
Reply:My Wife Avey who keeps me sane among all this madness.
Reply:I would name it after my mum,who I Iost last December..It would be a beautiful peach colour like her skin was and I would call it,......Pamelas` Peace
Reply:The Cassandra Rose after my girlfriend x

It would be pink her fave colour,

Beautiful in every way like my girlfriend is.

Every pettle would last a life time like my love for her,

And if any pettle should fall it would be like a tear from my heart falling like every time she is sad
Reply:i would like to name a small tenacious black grass which thrives on arid soil...Nelson
Reply:Steve Irwin
Reply:My fiance -Mizanur. He is away in Bangladesh and i haven't seen him for 2months :o( I miss him
Reply:Delphine - a sweet french friend of mine.
Reply:Luciano Pavarotti
Reply:i would name one for my mother it would have to be a beautiful flower that was extremely strong
Reply:Got to be steve irwin. probably be a insect eatin plant or sumfin like that
Reply:i have to name two sorry



the two little thorns in my flesh
Reply:fanny Addams
Reply:Madame Butterfly
Reply:I think it would be Amelia.
Reply:I would name it after my friend Rose. That way I can say I already did and get a heap of credit from her!
Reply:The WWE wrestler, Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels!
Reply:my doughter Layla .. 8 months ..

i am so sure if u see her ull see rosy cheaks , big blue eyes .. she is a beauty allready , ..
Reply:I could be sweet and name it after a girl I know...

But we all know, I just name it after me... The "John" Flower.
Reply:I guess, I'd name my flower after my mom.
Reply:My best friend, shes amazing and would make a beautiful flower!
Reply:My husband.
Reply:My Wife who is also my best friend, my lover, my confidante, my soulmate
Reply:Please could I name three?

YOLANDE - my Mum who died in 1995.

LENA - My Aunt (Mum's sister) who died in February this year.

LEAH - my beautiful little granddaughter who will be three in November.
Reply:Harold Lloyd and the flower should be a Dock leaf
Reply:my two nieces, gabby and Mattie ,and the flower would be sweet pea..

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